Conceived near The Pilot in deep beds of spaghnum,
Fathered by blizzard and fierce lashing rain,
Murmuring rhythms older than Dreamtime,
A pulsing, primeval, hypnotic refrain,
You have dreamed your slow dreams through winter locked caverns
Whispering crystals of wind driven snow,
Leapt when new-born from your high mountain cradle
Surged to the call of the valley below.
Tugged teasing fingers at fern fronds, caressing
Rainbow rimmed quartzstone and quicksilver scale
Catching far stars in glittering echoes
Double moon tracing a shimmering trail,
The song of the currawong woo'd in Khancobin,
Wattle flung blossom danced on your young breast,
Tumbled and sang through the hills of Tintaldra,
Followed the sunsets beckoning west.
Fretted at cement spillways where stone walls enslaved you,
Reluctant fair hostage, pined to be free,
Tears of white salt staining crusted earth prisons,
Sensing the siren-song call of the sea,
Sighing, for old red-gum forests lay thirsting
To drink of your solace, your life giving flow,
Follow us, follow ----- the wild duck fly over
Sky arrow shadows reflected below.
Memories rippled and rose at Mildura
Of laughing black children and swift bark canoe,
Of blue woodsmoke lazily curling on water,
The Old Ones trod lightly, this loved land they well knew,
Now you play with the ski boats, sending up curtains
Of emerald streamers with foaming lace crests,
Lapping at houseboats, testing chain moorings,
Beading bright silver the cormorant's breast.
Trysts kept with the Loddon, Murrumbidgee, the Darling,
Each joyous re-union sweet merging as one,
Gracious, receiving the gifts of their tribute,
Swinging hard southward for the final long run,
Pause in contemplation, wide Lake Alexandrina,
Vast sand dunes, marsh islands - - - - - - rapturously
Exploring the length of the beautiful Coorong,
Borne at last, unresisting, to meet Destiny.
Out through the barrages, the guardians of Goolwa,
Free spirit drifting where oceans collide,
Plunging toward the lonely Antarctic,
Inland silt mixing with cold southern tide,
Somewhere in a cloud mass above eastern ranges,
A raindrop is falling toward distant earth,
Murmuring rhythms older than Dreamtime,
Marking the place of a great River's birth.